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Supply Chain Sustainability

Actively develop the sustainability of your supply chain

Rising relevance, increasing regulation and new requirements and standards demand your action.

Sustainable action is expected of companies by society, politicians and business partners, especially after the UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheik. Companies are required to track the path of their products along the entire supply chain.

In the area of environmental sustainability, Scope 3 emissions have a particularly high relevance in companies, accounting for up to 80% of total emissions. Depending on the industry, emissions from the areas of transport and logistics can account for a significant proportion of these.

The EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and GHG's Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting are leading to increasing importance in the consideration of companies' Scope 3 emissions.

For the EU, it can be assumed that nearly 50,000 companies will have to carry out a review of their CO2 emissions in the upstream and downstream supply chain in the future.

A simple calculation of these emissions with average values supplemented by selective surveys of suppliers and logistics service providers will no longer be sufficient to generate a compliant level of transparency.

ISO 14083, which is currently being published, will create a more interpretation-free calculation basis for logistics compared to today's standards and will be accompanied by a paradigm shift towards emission calculations that are as primary data-based as possible and are the responsibility of the companies carrying out the transport.

In the field of logistics, the potential in the classic areas of transport logistics is limited: The modal shift potential in rail transport is limited, alternative fuels are currently (LNG) or not yet (H2 etc.) widely applicable alternatives. New end-to-end approaches in the area of network design are therefore increasingly coming into focus.

Getting Started

We build your emissions calculation and sustainability roadmap with you.

Initial calculation

Initial design and piloting of Scope 3 emissions calculation for your logistics.

Sustainability roadmap

Analysis of the status quo, derivation of a reduction target including priorities for measures and transfer to a sustainability roadmap.

Recommended actions

Recommended actions for regular reporting and action tracking, including, for example, implementation of data exchange standards and regarding make-or-buy decisions when using data brokers and select calculation platforms.

ISO 14083 Check

We check your conformity to the ISO 14083 standard and adapt your procedures and processes for the future.

Conformity check

Review of current calculations and modeling for ISO 14083 compliance.


Adaptation of methodology and strategic advice on transferring computational responsibility from in-house secondary data-based modeling to LDL responsibility, including implementation of appropriate data exchange, validation, and plausibility methods.

Competence development for LSPs

Support of LSPs in setting up calculation, data exchange and reporting processes specific to customer requirements.

Measures navigator

We identify key measures and work with you to set the right course.

Scenario Evaluations

Potential and sensitivity analyses based on the current Scope 3 logistics footprint and performance of eco-efficiency analyses.

Systematization of measures

Systematization of the fields of action along the dimensions of transport / drive technologies, modal split, process design, network design and product (for example, packaging optimization, realization of intermodal transports, examination of the optimal centrality of the distribution network, establishment of transport cooperations with other companies, etc.).

Implementation planning

Target and measure planning and monitoring of implementation.

In guter Gesellschaft

A selection of the companies that shape the sustainability of their logistics with us.

Our additional consulting solutions

Supply Chain Digitalization

Supply Chain Resilience

Supply Chain Visibility

Supply Chain Excellence

We are looking forward to you

Discuss the challenges of your logistics with us and let us convince you of our individual solution offers